April 2002 News
Hi Folks
Hope you've had a good month.
Here's the news for April---be sure to check my main news page for previously posted information.
John Smiley
New News....
My Java book to make an appearance on the Sopranos
2. Java versus .Net
3. Computer Careers Discussion Group
4. The Future of Computing
5. VB6 Support--when will it end?
6. Microsoft Visual Studio.Net Trial Edition
7. Garage book sale
8. Robotic Programming
1. My Java book to make an appearance on the Sopranos
I received word from my publisher that my Java book will be used in the context of the plot of HBO's Sopranos.
If you're familiar with the characters in the show, Svetlana, who will be taking care of Uncle Junior this year, will be using my book to teach herself Java and set up some kind of Web based business. I'll let you know when I have a firm air date.
2. Java versus .Net
Hi Folks
I just read a fascinating article comparing the .Net Framework with Java. It
appeared in the April edition of .Net magazine.
For anyone who's ever wondered why you would choose VB.Net over Java, this
article (easily the best one on the subject that I've read) will provide you
with some clues.
Here's the link to the article
use this Locator+code: NM0204SM_T
3. Computer Careers Discussion Group
I've just set up an unmoderated discussion group on Yahoogroups dedicated to
the discussion of computer careers.
I'd ask those of you interested in discussing the ever changing world of
computer careers to join by sending an email to this address
and then posting any questions or comments you have by sending anemail to
I'll try to actively participate as much as possible, but I would hopethat all
members would chime in also.
4. The Future of Computing
Hi Folks
If you are curious about the future of computing, and want to strategically plan
for your place in it, check out this excellent
article by Tim O'Reilly (founded of the O'Reilly publishing company).
This article will give you an insight into a bunch of emerging technologies, and
does a good job of explaining what WebServices are,
and why they'll be important to you (.Net and Java place a big rolethere).
Here's the link to the article.
5. VB6 Support--when will it end?
Here's info on the projected lifespan of Visual Basic 6. If you were worried
that it was just going to 'go away' with VB.Net, check out
this link...
It's still confusing, but this site mentions support as far out as2008, with
Service Packs potentially coming out through 2004.
John Smiley
6. Microsoft Visual Studio.Net Trial Edition
Hi Folks
Follow this link to learn how you can get a 60 day trial onMicrosoft's Visual
Studio.Net Professional Edition.
John Smiley
7. Book sale
Last week was garage clean up day (yes, we do this twice a year), and my wife
discovered that we have a number of my books in the garage and she wants to
reclaim the space. Therefore, while quantities last, we are having a book sale.
(Sorry, US shipping only)
Prices (which INCLUDE US shipping) are:
Learn to Program with Visual Basic 6 --------------$30
Learn to Program with Visual Basic 6 Examples----$30
Learn to Program Databases with Visual Basic 6---$40
Learn to Program Objects with Visual Basic 6-----$40
All four Visual Basic 6 books----------------------$100
Examples, Databases and Objects------------------$82
Learn to Program with Java ----------------------$40
Learn to Program with VB.Net---------------------$40
Learn to Program with C#-------------------------$405
If you are interested, check out this link:
Hi Folks
Check out these two links--looks like you can build a robot, then program
it---sounds like great fun, and a wonderful opportunity to
learn how to program.
John Smiley
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