Learn To Program With C#

McGraw Hill/Osborne


Errata and Clarifications
(Last Update: August 24, 2005)

Errata list

Every author endeavors for perfection. My apologies for the typos that have slipped through. We'll do our best to have these corrected for the next printing.

General #1

My thanks to a reader, Bob Whitty, for pointing this out.

If you have Visual Studio.Net 2003 installed, you need to execute the .Net Batch compiler from within Visual Studio.Net---not from a Windows Command Prompt.

General #2

My thanks to a reader, Steve, for making this general note about the book: 

On page 48, you discuss bringing up a MS-DOS prompt. 

Since Windows 3.1, it is not  a default desktop shortcut, but it will be there if a user creates one. 

In no version of Windows is an MS-DOS prompt found in the Control Panel. 

Start > Programs or Start > Programs> Accessories are the places to look, depending on the version of Windows. 

Typing "command" in the Start > Run box, followed by clicking "OK" works too (as does typing "cmd" in the Start > Run box, followed by clicking "OK" for the Command prompt in Windows NT/2000/XP.)

General #3---Compiler Error

If you are having problems getting Windows to 'find' your compiler, check out this tip provided by one of my readers.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

None that we know of

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

None that we know of

Chapter 6

        Console.WriteLine ("The value of messageDisplayed is " + 1

        should be

        Console.WriteLine ("The value of messageDisplayed is "

Chapter 7

        csc Example7_1.cs Banner.cs

        After you compile the program, observe how large the compiled Example7_1.exe is. It really contains code from both Example7_1.cs and Banner.cs

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

None that we know of

Chapter 10

None that we know of

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

None that we know of

Chapter 13

public void Calculate(int midterm,
                int finalExamGrade,
                int research,
                int presentation) {

Midterm = midterm;
FinalExamGrade = finalExamGrade;
Research = research;
Presentation = presentation;

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Revised - December 14, 2002
