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70-100 Certification Books
Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solutions Architecture: MCSD Training Kit (Exam 70-100) by Microsoft Press

MCSD Architectures (Exam Cram Series)(Exam 70-100) by Exam Cram

70-165 Certification Books MCSD Visual Basic 5 Exam Guide by Howard Hawhee

70-175 Certification Books
MCSD VB6 Distributed Exam Cram (Exam 70-175) by Exam Cram

McSd Visual Basic 6 Exams : Exams 70-175 and 70-176 Training Guide by Howard Hawhee

Distributed Applications for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training Kit (Exam 70-175) by Microsoft Press

70-176 Certification Books
MCSD Visual Basic 6 Exams : Exams 70-175 and 70-176 Training Guide by Howard Hawhee

Desktop Applications for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training Kit (Exam 70-176) by Microsoft Press

Microsoft Certification Page

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since 9/22/98

Revised 06-01-2000

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05/16/00 - Check this link for an MCP-MCSD-MCT Salary Survey
03/28/00 - Corrected some Internet Explorer Display problems
03/27/00 - Redesigned the Certification Page

Is Certification for you?

Passing one or more of the Microsoft Certification Tests in Visual Basic 5 or Visual Basic 6 is the ultimate acknowledgment of your mastery of Visual Basic.

Becoming certified can provide you with a measure of your VB skills, and can also enable you to get a VB job or give you more opportunities if you already have one.

Are there separate tests for VB5 and VB6?

Yes, there are.

For VB5, there is a single test, 70-165.

for VB6, there are two tests, 70-176 (VB6 Desktop) and 70-175 (VB6 Distributed)

What do I "become" if I pass one of these tests?

Passing any one of these tests earns you the distinction of a Microsoft Certified Professional MCP

Is an MCP the same thing as an MCSD?

You can earn an MCP status by passing just a single Microsoft Certification Test. To become an MCSD , you need to pass four tests.

If you wish to follow a VB track, you can take the following four tests to earn your MCSD. The order presented here is my recommendation.

  • 70-176 VB6 Desktop
  • 70-175 VB6 Distributed
  • 70-165 Developing Applications with VB5
  • 70-100 Analyzing Requirements

    Can you recommend a Textbook to prepare for VB5 test?

    Yes, it's the same textbook that I used to prepare for the VB5 Certification test, and I think a lot of it. It's called the MCSD Visual Basic 5 Exam Guide by Howard Hawhee. You can order it through Amazon.Com for $79.99

    Can you recommend a Textbook to prepare for the VB6 tests?

    I've heard good things about Howard Hawhee's MCSD Visual Basic 6 Exams : Exams 70-175 and 70-176 Training Guide

    Is there anything else you can recommend you help me pass the test?

    Yes, sign up for one of my bootcamps , and buy the Transcender prep exam for the test you are taking.

    If you participate in one of my bootcamps or agree to be mentored by me, you can buy certain Transcender products at significant savings. Click here for more information.

    When should we take a test

    You should be able to pass the VB6 Desktop exam about 1 year after you begin a serious study of VB. Some students may be able to accelerate this process.

    How do we signup to take the test

    If you click on this link , you can sign up to take any of the VB tests. If you wish, you can just call the Sylvan-Prometric Testing Center at 1-800-755-3926.

    Can you give me us information about the test?

    Having taken all of these tests, I've agreed to a non-disclosure statement with Microsoft. Discussing the test in detail could result in me losing my MCSD Certification. However, here is a link to the Microsoft site that talks about the various test, including information on how to prepare for the test, and download a practice test. Download the Practice Test and see how you do.

    Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions About the test

    1. I'm taking your Intro to Programming with VB, Part 1 course at ZDU. I intend
          to take part 2 also. I'm very interested in taking the test. My question
          to you is after these 2 classes, what other classes should I take and 
          should I take them before taking the test?
       Answer: You should take the Visual Basic For Programmers, Parts 1 and 2, 
               at ZDU, or their equivalent. The Microsoft Certification for VB test is
               very intense, and you simply don't have a chance to pass it without
               the right background and preparation.
    2. Does Microsoft insist that you take one of their courses or can you 
          just take the test. 
       Answer: No, by no means do you need to take any of their courses in order to 
               take and pass the Microsoft Certification test. You can do as I did
               which was to walk in without having taken any VB courses, and pass the
               test. Microsoft sometimes leads you to believe that you must take 
               Certified Microsoft courses in order to take the test, but that is 
               not the case. All you need to do to take the test is sign up for the
               test, and pay $100.
    3. I have worked in MS Access for a while and am taking your ZDU class to 
          supplement that, and eventually want to get MS Certified. Is taking the
          test at this point out of the question?
       Answer: Your question is a good one. I think you would be wasting your time 
               and money taking the test without having a good solid background in VB. 
               That doesn't mean that you need to work professionally with VB to 
               pass the test---I don't believe that. But you should take the 4 VB 
               courses at ZDU (or their equivalent) prior to taking the Certification test. 
    4. Where do I take the test---can I take it in Nevada?
       Answer: If you link to Sylvan-Prometic from this page, they can tell you if there
               is a testing center near to your home. I'm sure there is!
    5. If someone were to start learning Visual Basic today, in your opinion, what would
           be the minimum amount of time before they should consider taking the test?
       Answer: Provided that they progressed, learned the language, and practiced a bit---
               I would say 1 year.
    6. I thought that in order to get the certification, you have to be working on an actual 
           commercial project while preparing for the test? 
       Answer: No, that's not true at all. You just need to pass the test.