Systems Design Project
CMIS 407
(Last Update: Monday, November 25, 2002)

Your semester-long project is about designing an information system (IS). IS can be of a smaller or larger scope, such as user interface and a whole application, respectively.

Your design can refer either to an improvement of an existing system or an entirely new system. Experience teaches that the former option is more feasible than the latter.

The system you choose to design could be placed in any organizational context - for example, a library, some of IU departments, a small business, a department of a larger video store, etc.

Your project can be broken down into following tasks:

You are to report about the whole project in a paper that is to be submitted on the final day of class. The paper needs to contain:

1.  A brief introduction on the project's purpose;
2.  A section on the organizational context that your system supports (e.g., goals/objectives, tasks/jobs supported, structure, etc.);
3.  A section on users (e.g., educational background, information/computer literacy, typical information needs);
4.  A section on other parts of the existing system (data, procedures,  computer hardware, computer software);
5.  A section on user requirements along with the description of your understanding of the user context. It is a good idea to summarize 
    this section with a straightforward list of redesign requirements; 
6.  A section describing the design you propose; Include sections on Process, Logical and Data Modeling. Specifically, the following deliverables should be attached:

7.  A section briefly summarizing the whole report; 
8.  A bibliography section (if any); and
9.  An appendix (if any).

Note that sections 5 and 6 are crucial, which may then be reflected in their length. 

No special recommendation could be given regarding the length of the paper, although 20-40 pages seems reasonable for a project of this scope. Formatting and grammatical features that characterize an academic paper are assumed. 

Grading Elements 0 2 3 4 4.5 5 Your Score
Transcripts of interview Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Notes from observations Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Analysis of documents  Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Analyzed responses from questionnaires Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Sets of forms, reports, job descriptions, and other documents (See Chapter 7, Page 204). Volume is not important here--a representative sample of each is fine. Missing 2 are missing   1 is missing One form, report, job description is present. In addition,  One form, report, job description is present. In addition, you supply me with the 'other document'  
Context data flow diagram Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
DFD's of current physical system, with a description of each DFD component. Volume is not important here--a representative sample is fine, but if the system you are designing is small enough, you can include everything. Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
DFDs of current logical system, with a description of each DFD component. Volume is not important here--a representative sample is fine, but if the system you are designing is small enough, you can include everything. Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
DFDs of new logical system, with a description of each DFD component (See Chapter 8, Page 239). Volume is not important here--a representative sample is fine, but if the system you are designing is small enough, you can include everything. Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
Structured Descriptions and diagrams that outline the logic contained within each DFD process as well as diagrams that show the temporal dimension of the  system. In other words, when processes or events occur and how these events change the state of the system.  (See Chapter 9, Page 283) Completing this for one DFD process is fine. Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
An E-R diagram (See Chapter 10, Page 308). Again, you need not do this for the entire system. Concentrate on a subset of the system. Missing   Complete but with more than 2 errors Complete but with 1 or 2 errors Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
Generate alternative design strategies for your system and select the best one (See Chapter 11, Page 351) Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Create a Design spec for one form and one report in your system (See Chapter 13, Page 437) Missing       Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
Create a Design spec for one Interface or dialogue (See Chapter 14, Page 462) Missing       Complete Clearly among the best in the class  
Brief Introduction Section Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Section on the organizational context that your system supports (e.g., goals/objectives, tasks/jobs supported, structure, etc.) Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
A section on users (e.g., educational background, information/computer literacy, typical information needs) Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
A section on other parts of the existing system (data, procedures,  computer hardware, computer software) Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
A section on user requirements along with the description of your understanding of the user context. It is a good idea to summarize this section with a straightforward list of redesign requirements Missing Poorly worded and incomplete Well worded but incomplete Complete but poorly worded Complete and well written Clearly among the best in the class  
Spelling/Grammar Greater than 15 spelling and grammar errors Between 10 and 15 spelling and grammar errors Between 5 and 10 spelling and grammar errors Between 2 and 5 spelling or grammar errors 1 or 2 spelling or grammar errors Perfect  
Total Possible Points 0 40 60 80 90 100